Mag phos is famous as a muscle relaxant tissue salt. It is useful for any type of sharp, spasmodic, shooting, cramping pains especially involving smooth muscle fibres for example in the bowel or uterus.
Sharp shooting pains are commonly associated with nerve pain. An example is tooth pain that travels along a nerve. The tooth pain will be aggravated by cold.
This is type of pain is commonly found in the bowel during acute episodes of IBS or the pelvis during menstruation. It is a first aid measure and will not cure these deep pathological issues but the tissue salt may offer some symptomatic relief to get you through the crisis. Many practitioners recommend to take the tissue salt crushed into warm water to increase its efficacy. This is particularly soothing when taken before bed.
The tissue salt will help to support the nervous tissues and may be compared to Kali phos.
Headaches that begin at the back of the head, travel over and settle into the right eye, may be associated with a red flushed face (Belladonna). In school children that are stressed by school work and find studying a major exertion, taking this salt for a few weeks may help, especially if they are over emotional types.
Aggravated from exposure to cold air, wind or cold water
Ameliorated heat and warmth
Better bending double and applying strong pressure
Pains on the right side
Disclaimer: This information is supplied for educational purposes only. Sources include published literature and anecdotal experiences of myself and other men, women and animals. The information is not intended for the treatment of any particular individual person or disease. If you are suffering any particular complaint please consult professional help.