Whenever overwhelming fatigue sets in, Kali phos may be of use, no matter what the cause has been. It is a great pick me up, crush a few tablets of the 6X tissue salt, put them in your water bottle to sip throughout the day. Schuessler Tissue salts are readily available at health food shops
Over work, over excitement or excessive worry may be predisposing factors that result in mental and physical fatigue. Such as having overworked yourself with too many responsibilities. This depletes the sympathetic nervous system. The state is of course ameliorated by rest and good nutrition which I recommend you also implement if you find yourself in such a state.
Other ways Kali phos may help
Weakness after chemotherapy.
Severe pain in decayed or filled teeth from over sensitivity of the nerve. I used it once when I was suffering from a tooth infection with a lot of pain. I would just fall asleep after doing the simplest task. One dose of Kali phos 30C lifted my energy level and helped me to recover from the infection.
Infections occurring any where on the body where sepsis is threatening and the wounds discharge offensive smelling exudate.
Headaches from mental exertion such as too much school work. This may be a useful remedy to support someone studying for exams as it may help memory and reduce brain fag. As well as reducing anxiety around the exam process. There is sensitiveness to noise.
Over exertion of vocal cords resulting in loss of voice due to paralysis of the vocal cords
There are many cough symptoms in the provings of Kali phos so it may be useful in persistent coughing resulting in exhaustion. Whooping cough with great nervous exhaustion.
Back pain where the back feels lame and must always be supported. The muscles are stiff, especially on rising in the morning and better after gentle motion.
In obstinate cases of enuresis (bed wetting) in excitable sensitive children, older children. Also in the aged due to paralysis of the sphincter.
Although a state of exhaustion usually leads to sound sleep, in an over worked mind there may be sleeplessness due to worry and excessive mental stimulation – nervous insomnia. So we have the symptom sleepy but sleepless. Sleepless in last part of the night.
If the leaves of your plants have turned purple, this indicates phosphorus deficiency. Crush some Kali phos tissue salt tablets and stir them into a watering can full of water, to water the affected plants.
Aggravated by cold and drafts
Offensive smelling discharges
Nervous sensitivity
Over exertion
Disclaimer: This information is supplied for educational purposes only. Sources include published literature and anecdotal experiences of myself and other men, women and animals. The information is not intended for the treatment of any particular individual person or disease. If you are suffering any particular complaint please consult professional help.