The cough of Spongia is a dry hacking cough. It is often described as “barking like a seal” or like “a saw passing through wood”. The sound of the cough may also be rasping, ringing, wheezing or whistling. It is often useful during croup. Rapid short breathing
The face and body feels hot, flushed and frightened
The mucus membranes are dry. The throat is dry creating hoarseness. It may feel like the larynx is being constricted and the glands may be swollen.
The modalities will direct you to prescribe this remedy.
Made worse by
Cold, dry air / weather, cold wind
Cold drinks
Midnight – before or after, awakens feeling suffocated
although coughs day and night
Made better by
Warm drinks / food
Sucking hard candy or cough drops
Sitting, leaning head forward
What is peculiar
Can lie almost flat during a coughing fit (it is common to want to sit up)
Hoarse voice
Disclaimer: This information is supplied for educational purposes only. Sources include published literature and anecdotal experiences of myself and other men, women and animals. The information is not intended for the treatment of any particular individual person or disease. If you are suffering any particular complaint please consult professional help.