Ruta graveolens is a remedy that has an affinity for trauma to ligaments, tendons and the periosteum of bone. Torn tendons maybe encouraged to heal under this remedy. It may be beneficial for Bursa (cystic fluid collections) occurring on any joint, for example the shoulder, elbow or knee. Over use injuries like tennis elbow. It may help arthritic conditions that have the modalities listed below.
It has a reputation for treating ganglion and plantar fasciitis.
Another area where Ruta maybe helpful is when the small muscles of the eye are involved. The muscles of the eye feel stiff and sore. Eye strain from too much study, or other close work. Headaches may result from studying which is accompanied by a foggy mind and movement of the eyes aggravates. The headache may feel like a nail driven inwards.
On a deeper level, panic attacks may respond to this remedy, where there is accompanied aggravation in a warm room, a slowing down of the mind and vertigo. Having company or someone to talk to helps to ameliorate these panic attacks.
The modalities are very similar to Rhus tox which may also help with tendon and ligament issues. Cold and wet aggravate the condition and there is restlessness. The difference is Rhus tox will be ameliorated by application of heat where Ruta will be aggravated by heat.
Aggravated in cold and wet conditions
Aggravated by hot applications
Aggravated by warm environment / room
Disclaimer: This information is supplied for educational purposes only. Sources include published literature and anecdotal experiences of myself and other men, women and animals. The information is not intended for the treatment of any particular individual person or disease. If you are suffering any particular complaint please consult professional help.