Natrum Muriaticum is a very “big” remedy with many applications if the symptom picture of the patient matches the description in the materia medica and is generally given for a long standing chronic condition. It is also one of Schuessler’s tissue salts, as such is safe to use as a first aid remedy.
The 6X tissue salt is known as the regulator of fluid in the body and is useful in addressing excess fluid – exudation, or conditions resulting in excessive dryness – deficiency of salt in the connective tissues.
An example of excess fluid is fluid filled legs showing as swollen ankles, this symptom usually is a sign of significant imbalance in the body (e.g. kidneys, heart) and ought to be checked out by a professional health care practitioner.
Another example is copious clear, watery discharge from the nose, sometimes associated with sneezing. So munching on Nat Mur 6X maybe useful at the onset of colds or for acute symptoms of hay fever
Dryness may be noted anywhere on the body for example dry, cracked lips, especially the centre of the lower lip with increased thirst. White flaky dandruff, dry eyelids which itch, dry throat or dry scaly skin.
Another interesting use of this low potency is to help with stomach acid regulation. Tissue salts are made by triturating the material substance with lactose or sucrose. This process alters the physical and energetic make up of the original substance allowing the sodium (Na+) and chlorine (Cl-) ions to disassociate more easily. In the presence of water the chlorine ion can combine with hydrogen (H) to form hydrochloric acid (HCl). I have prescribed Nat Mur 6X to people who were reliant on acidity regulators such as Nexium. If a tablet is consumed 30 minutes before food, they didn’t need the Nexium. However, people found it too difficult to remember to dose in this manner and ended up going back to their Nexium as it was easier for them. Tissue salts are much cheaper and have no unsavoury side effects like pharmaceutical acidity regulators. Nat phos 6X is also know to help with heart burn after eating and I’ll write about this remedy in due course.
Fluid retention
Desire salt +++
Headaches brought on by exposure to sun
Silent grief
Closed people, keeping their hurt inside themselves
Disclaimer: This information is supplied for educational purposes only. Sources include published literature and anecdotal experiences of myself and other men, women and animals. The information is not intended for the treatment of any particular individual person or disease. If you are suffering any particular complaint please consult professional help.