Merc sol is my go to remedy for sore throats that are very swollen and painful with a raw sore feeling. I have used it successfully for sore throats, toothaches and gumboil in both my son and myself. It is also useful for aphthae, bleeding gums and tonsillitis with pus on the tonsils.
It is used to help resolve pus. This may be a tooth abscess, chronic acne or chronic discharges that don’t respond to other remedies. Non-healing or rapidly spreading ulcers, abscesses or boils may respond to this remedy. The discharges may have an offensive smell. Even perspiration may have an offensive smell and is usually quite profuse.
It is a good remedy for bad breath, described as being so offensive it is noticeable from across the room! Associated symptoms are increased salivation which may be noticed by a wet pillow and accompanied by a salty or metallic taste in the mouth.
Earache with pains from ear to teeth with smelly, bloody discharge.
Cough with blood in the sputum. Cough in double bouts. Pain goes from right side through to the back.
Anxiety is associated with this remedy. I used it once for friend who was anxious that she had blood in her sputum from coughing and I knew there was a background of fear of insanity. One dose and she stopped coughing. A few days later she said she was still coughing and I discovered she had been using Vicks Vaporub every night going to bed. This was antidoting her remedy. Once she stopped using this, one more dose of Merc sol resolved her cough completely.
The symptoms may be worse at night which have started after a change in the weather to cold and wet. There may be enlarged lymph glands. They can’t quite find the right temperature to be in and have no preference for either hot or cold drinks.
During a feverish episode there is alternating heat and chill with profuse perspiration. The patient may be dull and weak or very restless with mental anxiety. They are very thirsty.
Profuse perspiration
Offensive smells
Increased salivation
Disclaimer: This information is supplied for educational purposes only. Sources include published literature and anecdotal experiences of myself and other men, women and animals. The information is not intended for the treatment of any particular individual person or disease. If you are suffering any particular complaint please consult professional help.
Loving your detailed accounts and learning more about the remedies. Thanks 🙏