Kali muriaticum is a tissue salt that is indicated in the second stage of inflammation where there is thick, white exudate or discharge (like egg white) and swollen lymph nodes. Remember Kali sulph is for second stage inflammation with yellow discharge.
The remedy may be useful for many conditions if the below keynotes are present. These include …
Chronic ear infections where there is swelling of the lymph glands, thick wax in the ear causing deafness, crackling noises in the ear due to this and associated with constant thick, stuffy nose. It may help open the eustachian tubes when grommets are being considered. Enlarged tonsils or adenoids may also be an indication for this remedy.
In coughs that have gone on too long and there is thick white phlegm being coughed up with difficulty. It may also help children with croup.
In the digestive sphere, there is aggravation from fatty food due to defective bile production. Associated with this will be pale coloured stool. Oral thrush in babies, little children and nursing mothers. It may be used for morning sickness if the vomit appears like the thick stringy stuff.
It may be useful for blood that forms clots. Chronic cystitis. Ingrown toenails and warts.
Thick white discharge
Swollen hard lymph nodes
White discharge
White or gray coating of at base of tongue
Aggravated by draft of cold air
Rheumatism aggravated by movement
Disclaimer: This information is supplied for educational purposes only. Sources include published literature and anecdotal experiences of myself and other men, women and animals. The information is not intended for the treatment of any particular individual person or disease. If you are suffering any particular complaint please consult professional help.
wow, so glad I found this. I have constant thick ear wax production, like massive! And a slight cold breeze or water in ear can easily cause an ear infection. Sometimes accompanied by a swollen lymph node here and there, especially neck. Was searching for remedies, but without avail. will burrow my research in Kali mur, thank you so much for sharing!