This remedy is useful in many cases where there is infection and pus formation and is sometimes referred to as the homœopathic antibiotic. It helps to induce suppuration and clear the infection. It may be of use wherever there is infection including ear, chest, throat, teeth, etc. I’ve used this remedy successfully for some types of toothache where an abscess was threatening to form.
The infected area may appear red and hot, for example a fingertip with whitlow. It is useful if a splinter has become infected, the infection will “ripen” and the body will eject the splinter with accompanying pus. Some people like to use green clay poultices for this “drawing” effect but taking a few pills of Hepar sulph for a few days is a lot less messy and will reduce the pain quite quickly. Boils and suppurating acne will also respond well to Hepar sulph.
For sore throats, just like Merc sol, there may be increased salivation and a metallic taste in the mouth, pus on the tonsils results in bad breath. In the case of hepar sulph, there is a distinct preference for warm drinks and anything cold aggravates the patient and their symptoms. There is a characteristic splinter sensation in the throat that feels like a fish bone stuck there. Stabbing pains are characteristic, with a sense of weakness. There may be herpatic eruptions or cracks in the corner of the mouth. This splinter sensation may occur in other body parts as well.
The patient feels extremely cold and any exposure to cold aggravates them. The least uncovering will make them feel worse. They feel so much better in warm damp weather.
This sensitivity to cold air may be a guiding symptom to use this remedy for croupy coughs where the coughing may become choking or strangling when any part of the body is uncovered.
They may be short tempered or irritable, even rude and abusive, especially if they feel their security is threatened.
Pus formation, smelly discharges
Splinter sensation
Over sensitive
Chilly and aggravated by cold – air, drinks, etc
Desire warm drinks
Disclaimer: This information is supplied for educational purposes only. Sources include published literature and anecdotal experiences of myself and other men, women and animals. The information is not intended for the treatment of any particular individual person or disease. If you are suffering any particular complaint please consult professional help.