Ferrum phos is a useful remedy for the initial stages of acute fever especially when chills are experienced. The fever will be a high temperature with obvious signs of inflammation in the affected part e.g. very red and inflamed throat or very red, hot infected ear. Often the pain is on the right side. The pulse will be quick.
It may be useful in the beginning stages of an infection where the characteristic hot, red, swelling and throbbing is noted. This is before there is development of any pus or discharge. If the inflamed area is on the skin or mucus membranes, these surfaces will feel hot and dry. These symptoms may be met in some of the traditional conditions such as childhood infections that show symptoms on the skin. Another area of the body that may show these symptoms is the breasts in the beginning stages of mastitis.
Febrile conditions of the respiratory system may also be helped, especially if the symptoms are noted more on the right side.
Being an iron salt, it is useful for supporting circulatory conditions and maintaining the blood in cases of anaemia. Due to its energised from, it may help the body absorb iron supplements
Aggravated by warmth, excitement and motion
Ameliorated by cold and slow motion
Disclaimer: This information is supplied for educational purposes only. Sources include published literature and anecdotal experiences of myself and other men, women and animals. The information is not intended for the treatment of any particular individual person or disease. If you are suffering any particular complaint please consult professional help.