Drosera is a dry, spasmodic cough, with the cough coming in paroxysms, that is coughs following each other very rapidly, scarcely being able to catch the breath in between. It feels like you are choking. It is the classic cough of whooping cough where the person can hardly breath in due to the constant coughing fit, there may even be the classic “whoop” on the intake breathe when they are finally able to take a breath in.
The cough is deep and hoarse sounding which may also be accompanied with laryngitis, a deep hoarse voice is produced from the affect of the coughing on the mucus membranes.
The peculiarity of Drosera is that there may not be any coughing during the day, but it starts up as soon as going to bed at night, preventing sleep. As a result, this remedy is often required after someone has been sick for a little while, it is not usually a first remedy in an acute.
This symptom helped me once. I was struggling to get over a cough, had been to a homeopath who had prescribed Phosphorus as I said I couldn’t read my son his bed-time story because I would start coughing as soon as I started reading. The Phosphorus made me worse (gave me horrible headaches) and I had to antidote it with coffee, which took away the headache and brought back the cough. That night I noticed this symptom, quite literally, as soon as my head touched the pillow, I started coughing. Drosera resolved the cough beautifully.
Some of the modalities of Drosera are similar to Pulsatilla especially better sitting up and by open air. But Pulsatilla is a wet cough, which doesn’t come on as soon as the head touches the pillow, it may start in the night after the child has been asleep for a few hours. The only thing that helps, is to get them up and sit them in a chair.
Made worse by
Night, especially lying down in bed at night
Made better by
Sitting up
Open air
What is peculiar
Titillating sensation in throat
May not cough all day but coughing begins as soon as head touches the pillow at night
Loose rattly, yellow mucus
Can vomit from too much mucus
Disclaimer: This information is supplied for educational purposes only. Sources include published literature and anecdotal experiences of myself and other men, women and animals. The information is not intended for the treatment of any particular individual person or disease. If you are suffering any particular complaint please consult professional help.
Nicely put together Jayne, thank you!
Can I just add that for me, the inclusion of references (or even a bibliography) is always a good idea (esp. in this day & age of nonsense homeopathy i.e., other methodologies utilizing homeopathic medicines)