Calc Phos
Calcarea Phosphorica is a remedy frequently indicated for children. It helps assimilation of nutrients enabling healthy growth. Children who are picky eaters are benefited by this tissue salt.
It is a mineral that helps with bone growth in both developmental stages and helping to heal fractures. After any broken bone, Calc phos should be taken to speed the healing of the fracture, along with Symphytum officinal.
The symptoms that may manifest, indicating this remedy will include irritability, moodiness, temper tantrums, complaining and moaning. Small children may cry a lot and drive their parents crazy as they can’t work out what the child wants / needs. Vithoulkas say “discontent with no reason”. In this, the remedy compares well with Tuberculinium and the two remedies are complimentary to each other. Both remedies have a desire to travel but with Calc phos it is a desire to get away from their discontent but it doesn’t make them feel better, Tuberculinum desires the adventure.
Another area that has similarities to Tuberculinum is to do with breathing. Calc phos has difficulty in taking a deep breath, they sigh a lot. They can be quite affected by bad news, with a physical complaint or infection occurring just afterwards.
It is a good remedy for nose bleeds.
In the early development of a child, this remedy may be of use with delayed closing of the fontanelles. The child is slow to learn to walk and talk. They may not gain weight at the usual rate and appear emaciated, thin and lanky. There is a lack of vitality
They are conscientious children, with a desire to finish their studies and push themselves to do so. But this results in headaches. These may occur with stiffness in the neck.
Aggravated from cold wet weather, melting snow
Ameliorated in warm, dry weather, summer
Picky eater
Fear of dogs, being alone, the dark
Sleep in knee elbow position
Disclaimer: This information is supplied for educational purposes only. Sources include published literature and anecdotal experiences of myself and other men, women and animals. The information is not intended for the treatment of any particular individual person or disease. If you are suffering any particular complaint please consult professional help.