Bryonia may be useful for many acute conditions that develop slowly. The fever develops slowly, over a few days, unlike the sudden onset of Aconite or Belladonna. Cough, Bronchitis, right sided Pneumonia with sharp pleuritic pains. It may also help in inflammation of the joints where they will be hot, red, swollen and painful such as Tennis elbow and Backache
Intensely painful pains are present that are aggravated by any movement. In cough, the patient will hold the chest to try not to move the rib cage too much because this causes pain. The movement of inspiration may induce pain so you’ll notice very shallow breathing. Frontal headache relating to blocked sinuses can be described as a bursting or a splitting headache, where even the movement of the eyes is painful. Even talking may be too much movement. Despite the pain aggravated by movement there is restlessness as the person tries to find a comfortable position to rest in. When they try to rise from the bed, they get dizzy and nauseous.
The patient will choose to lie on the painful side as again this reduces the movement of that side and therefore the pain. Usually they choose to lie on the left side however, in liver and gallbladder conditions they will lie on the right side (which will most probably be the painful side as these organs are on the right side).
The next thing to remember about this remedy is Dryness. The cough is a dry hacking cough with thick, tough mucus. In fever the skin is burning, hot and dry with the desire to uncover. The stool is dry leading to constipation which may be quite severe. The mouth is dry, the lips dry and cracked. With this dryness there may be a lack of thirst and when they do drink it will be a large quantity taken all at once. There may be a desire for warm milk. The dry state may be a result of dehydration such as from sun or a hangover.
The Bryonia patient may appear dull and listless like Gelsemium but this is because movement causes pain, in the latter it is because they are too exhausted to move. You’ll find this patient is still thinking about what they ought to be doing, thoughts of business. They may be very irritable, averse to being disturbed. Interestingly, this state may come about after the effects of anger or mortification.
Bryonia is complimented by Phosphorus, use Bryonia for the acute and follow-up with Phos to clear the case if this remedy matches the state of the patient. Kali carb is also a useful second prescription, especially for coughs.
Thirsty for large quantities
Severe pains
Motion aggravates
Ameliorated by rest and coolness
Disclaimer: This information is supplied for educational purposes only. Sources include published literature and anecdotal experiences of myself and other men, women and animals. The information is not intended for the treatment of any particular individual person or disease. If you are suffering any particular complaint please consult professional help.
Very interesting!